What is the Significance of Christmas and New year?

People Celebrate Christmas and New Year in many ways but what is the common thing we do while celebrating Christmas is that we bring a Christmas tree in our homes. The green color and spruce aroma of the Christmas tree gets spread all over the place. When Christmas knocks on our doors, it feels somewhat magical to us as at the time of Christmas there is all over a white carpet in the form of snow covers the entire place, and chilling winds yet cannot melt the warmth of Christmas celebration’s excitement. The truth behind celebrating Christmas is the special promise that it brings with itself. It is the promise of spreading love and showing care for our loved ones. This special occasion is about gifting expensive items to each other but a chance of expressing the feeling of love and respect to your family, friends, and special ones. It is time to spend with each other and having a great laugh together. It is that time of the year when you should be available for your loved ones when the...